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Improving Concentration: A Skill That Can Be Taught

Improving concentration in children can be achieved not only by using clinically proven natural medicines, but also by exposing them to training in the fundamental cognitive skills that underlie the learning process.


Attention: What It Is, 5 Types, How to Improve

Attention or concentration (the words attention and concentration are synonyms) is a fundamental learning skill. Poor attention ability can be a sign of behavior and learning disorders such as hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder (ADD).


Three Key Aspects of Attention and Concentration

Lack of attention is often linked to poor memory. Parents may think their child has an attention problem, but the root cause is often a memory problem. Working memory is the cognitive system responsible for the temporary storage and manipulation of information...


ADD – Attention Deficit Disorder

Nadia van Rooyen tells the story of how her son Dihann overcame his attention and concentration difficulties. After hearing the success story of Dihann, LIN went to speak to Connie Senekal, owner of the Edublox Learning Centre in Swakopmund.


Brain Training Helps Children with ADD and ADHD

It seems as if all and sundry are being diagnosed with “Attention Deficit Disorder” (ADD) or “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder” (ADHD) these days. It is all too easy to put a label on behaviours that don’t conform to the norm; what do these behaviours actually mean and what can be done to treat them?