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Study: Edublox Improves Concentration Significantly in Five Days

Results of the study show an improvement in concentration, or on focused attention, in just five days. Focused attention is the ability to selectively concentrate on one aspect of the environment while ignoring other things. People with attention problems such as ADHD are known for their inability to filter out distractions and focus on one thing only.


Study: Edublox Improves Visual Memory by 1.3 Years in 22.5 Hours

The mean Visual Sequential Memory score of the Edublox Group improved by 1.5 years (from 6.6 to 8.1 years); the mean score of the Edublox and Adjustment Group decreased by 0.6 years (from 8.5 to 7.9 years).


Retraining Brains to Deal with Learning Disabilities

IMAGINE going through school unable to read, spell or write properly. You know you are not “stupid” but you just can’t seem to get the work into your head. You could be one of thousands of people who struggle with a learning disability in South Africa.


Studies Show Edublox Increases IQ Scores

The group who did Edublox were tutored simultaneously for 27.5 hours between April and August of that year, and showed an increase of 11.625 in non-verbal IQ scores, from an average of 101.125 to an average of 112.75. The group who did not receive cognitive training showed an increase of 4.625, from an average of 104.25 to an average of 108.875.


Study: Edublox Improves Visual and Auditory Digit Spans Significantly

The Edublox program was introduced to the Foundation Phase of a primary school in Johannesburg. The children's visual and auditory digit spans were assessed before the program was introduced, and again nine months later. Both increased significantly.