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Short-Term Memory: What It Is, How It Works, Improving (Program Included)

Short-term memory holds a small amount of information in the mind for a few seconds. Short-term memory is limited to about seven items and will be lost in about fifteen seconds unless the information is rehearsed.


Memory Problems: Why Learning Techniques Are “Less Successful”

“Children, it’s almost time to go home. So please write down your homework, put your books away, and line up at the door.” Sounds simple and straightforward. So why is Johnny already lined up at the door when his books are all over his desk?


Ask Susan: Daughter Studies Hard BUT Does Poorly

My 6th grade daughter is an above-average reader, her spelling is good, and she studies very hard for tests and exams. She also starts studying for her tests and exams long before the time. Yet, the results are nearly always disappointing. What can I do to help her?


Ask Susan: Help! My Daughter Is Failing Grade 8!

My daughter, now 14, has never been consistent in her school work. Her work is poor, to say the least – she failed math and English in term one, grade eight, even though she reads anything from massive books to cereal boxes, and loves math...