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16 Cognitive Skills that Matter, How to Improve Them

Cognitive skills, also called cognitive abilities, cognitive functions, or cognitive capabilities, are mental skills used in acquiring knowledge, manipulating information, reasoning, and problem-solving.


Cognitive Skills Determine Learning Ability

Research has shown that cognitive skills are a determining factor of an individual's learning ability. Cognitive skills are mental skills used in acquiring knowledge; according to Oxfordlearning.com, the skills that "separate the good learners from the so-so learners."


Cognitive Foundations of Learning

Learning is like building a house. The first step is to lay a foundation. Unless there is a strong and solid foundation, cracks will soon appear in the walls, and with no foundations, the walls will collapse. In the same way one needs to lay a proper foundation before it becomes possible for a child to benefit from a course in reading, writing and arithmetic. If this foundation is shaky, learning “cracks” will soon appear.


TV Interview, WKYC: Cognitive Skills

Educational specialist Dr. Lee DeLorge explains what cognitive skills are and how the Edublox method strengthens a child's cognitive skills. The program was broadcast in February 2011 on WKYC, a television station located in Cleveland, Ohio.