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4 Steps in Creating a Homeschool Library

Has your child always had a love for books? Are there many homeschoolers in your area (or do you know a good number of homeschooling families)? If you can say yes to both of these, then starting a homeschool library would be a good idea for a library lesson and create a great sharing resource for homeschoolers.

Step 1 in creating a homeschool library

First, sort through all the books and schooling equipment (microscopes, globes, overhead projectors, digital cameras, cassette tapes, CDs, DVDs) in your house and find the ones that are not special to anyone, meaning it would be alright to lend them out.

Shelve, organize and store those together in an area of your house that you will feel comfortable with people walking through. First-floor walk-in closets or unused utility rooms are suitable for this, or you can use a designated corner of any room where you feel comfortable placing the bookshelf.

Step 2 in creating a homeschool library

Next, you will need to contact everyone you know, asking them if they have any books, materials, or equipment they are not using that they could donate to the library.

Then, while you are waiting for everyone to deliver their collections, visit local church sales and garage sales and buy books at low prices. Usually, books are priced at 10 to 50 cents at these events. Sometimes local libraries hold sales as well. Some even sell entire bags full of books for only a few bucks. Be sure to search for educational materials and just regular readers to read, and be sure you have all ages covered.

Step 3 in creating a homeschool library

Once your collection is complete, make or buy book pockets for checking out books and labels to place on the books that tell people the books belong to your library. Once you have all the books labeled and pocketed, you are ready to start checking out items.

Be sure you also have a poster that clearly states your policies, including late fees and times allotted for material usage.

Let everyone know when your library is ready. You can even have a grand opening check-out party with snacks outdoors and book check-out indoors.

Step 4 in creating a homeschool library

Advertising the library and grand opening is a great way to meet other homeschooling families and create more customers for your library. This can be done by printing fliers and placing them in local churches, libraries, homeschooling bulletin boards, and other places people with children frequent.

Remember to get permission if you post them on a library bulletin board. Some libraries may consider this a form of taking their business away.

You can also open the library to other parents, not just homeschoolers.

Have fun with your ideas. The possibilities are endless.

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