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3 Fundamental Study Principles to Improve Your Grades

3 Fundamental Study Principles to Improve Your Grades
Many people consider their academic potential a fixed quality, like their height. This is what psychologists call a “fixed mindset.” Unfortunately, this is not only inaccurate, but it also negatively impacts your motivation.

Studying is a skill set; it’s something you learn, like a sport or playing a musical instrument. Yes, some people have a natural talent for these things, but nobody gets really good without developing their skills through practice. So, So, whatever grades you’re currently getting, you can improve them by changing your habits. Here’s how.

1. Recall tests

It’s very common for people to study by exclusively consuming information, for example, by reading textbooks, reviewing notes taken in lectures, or listening to recordings of lectures. However, this passive approach to learning is highly inefficient.

We remember things better when we have tested our memory. You have to practice going into your brain, digging for the correct information, and then pulling it out. This means you need to perform recall tests. There are two excellent ways you can do this:

  • Flashcards: Either use actual card, or get a flashcard app. Either way, you have a question on one side and the answer on the other. Work through your deck, and put every card you get right to one side. Put every card you get wrong to the back of the deck. Repeat until you’ve answered all the questions.
  • Mock exams: Put aside your notes and write down everything you know about a topic. Then check your answer against your notes, and add everything you missed.

This will help ingrain the knowledge into your memory, and you’ll get a lot more practice for your exams. Every study session should at least partly comprise recall tests.

2. Spaced repetition learning

When you learn something new, it’s important to keep reviewing and testing yourself on this new knowledge. When you first learn something, you should do these reviews fairly often. But as you start to drill the information in, you can gradually increase the intervals between the relearning sessions. This is spaced repetition.

So start immediately after a lecture — go somewhere quiet, review your notes, and give yourself some quick recall tests if possible. The next day, review them again, formalizing your system of recall tests for this information. Then, review again in a week, then after two more weeks, then after a month, three months, six months, and so on.

Schedule reviews ahead of time using a diary or calendar, either digital or paper, whichever you prefer. This way, throughout the academic year, you are regularly reviewing old material as well as new material instead of reviewing everything at the end of the year just a few weeks before your exams.

Be flexible with your scheduling; don’t consider it as set in stone. If you pass your recall tests easily and feel you grasp a particular topic well, you can leave more time for the following review. If you struggle, schedule more frequent reviews.

3. Focused blocks

Mental work is mentally tiring. After a while, you’ll have a weakened ability to concentrate, process, and recall information. The answer is not to “push through” but to take a break. Let your neurons rest for a while. You’ll come back more robust in the following work block.

For example, you might work for 45 minutes, then rest for 15. Everyone’s work-to-rest ratio will differ, so experiment, but that’s an excellent place to start. You may find that you can maintain the same focus over time with shorter rest periods.

During your work blocks, you only do work. Turn off your phone, close all unnecessary browser tabs, and consider installing software that blocks access to social media and other distracting sites for set periods.

During your rest periods, do nothing mentally taxing at all. You could go outside, get a drink, or lie down for a while. Getting into a garden or green space is ideal, as nature has a restorative effect on mental faculties. When your rest period is up, don’t procrastinate — get back to work immediately.

There are some exceptions to this. If you don’t feel mentally drained and are in the “flow” state, it’s often better to ride that wave. If you break that flow, it can take a while to get back into it, just as a car takes a while to get into top gear. This is common in computer programming, artistic work, and sometimes writing. You’ll have to use your judgment; experiment and see what works for you.

The bottom line

There are many tips and tricks for modern academic life, but these three fundamental study principles should form the foundation of your approach to studying. If you use recall tests, your retention of information will be much better. Spaced repetition will also boost your retention, but it has the added effect of intelligently planning your reviewing schedule for the year. Working in focused blocks helps you be more productive day by day. Put these three into practice, and you’re well on your way towards better grades.

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