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Story of a Boy Who Overcame Dyslexia and Earned a Master’s Degree

Student at graduation day
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Abraham, a student with dyslexia, failed his fourth grade and did not improve for two years. His mother read about the Edublox system and gave it a try. His improvement was remarkable, going on to eventually earn a master’s degree at university.

Struggling with sounds and letters

When Abraham was in 2nd grade, his mother, Alida, noticed that he was struggling to distinguish between sounds and letters.

She had him tested by the school therapist, who assured her that it was still very early days and that she did not have to worry.

In 3rd grade, it did not go any better, and on the school’s recommendation, his parents enrolled him at a reading center.

It made no difference, and in 4th grade, after failing two consecutive quarters, she had Araham tested for dyslexia.

Diagnosed with dyslexia but treatments fail

The educational psychologist determined that Abraham’s IQ is high-average. Based on IQ alone, he should be scoring As and Bs. His scholastic problems were the result of dyslexia.

At the age of ten and a half, Abraham’s reading accuracy equaled a child of 7 years and 3 months, and his reading speed was that of a 7-year-old. While his reading comprehension was on par, his spelling was weak and matched the typical child of 7.5 years.

Abraham’s parents did everything the psychologist recommended, including intensive remedial therapy for two years.

In 6th grade, the school called Alida and her husband in and suggested that they apply for oral examinations as Abraham’s spelling and writing were of such a nature that the teachers could not make out what he was writing.

Abraham was crushed, Alida recalls. “He cried night after night, did not want to go to school, and was tired of the extra classes and one test after another. He was not willing to do oral exams. His self-esteem was weak, and he believed something terrible was wrong with him.

“Out of desperation, I started looking for a solution on the Internet. I read about dyslexia and talked to therapists and psychologists to find a plan to support my child. Eventually, I came across Edublox’s website.”

Parents find dyslexia solution with Edublox

Alida called, and with great conviction and motivation, she got Abraham to try one more time and go for one more test.

Abraham started Edublox in May 2010. Not long after, Abraham told Alida that Edublox was working and that his reading and spelling were improving.

“His self-esteem improved, and teachers asked us what we were doing to our child because he was so positive,” Alida remembers. “Even his writing began to improve.”

Abraham attended Edublox for one and a half years – one year for three hours per week and another half year for one and a half hours per week. Gradually, his reading and spelling improved, which resulted in better school results.

Abraham’s school marks continued to improve even after he discontinued Edublox. His year-end average in 8th grade was 69%, and in 9th grade, 73%. He passed 12th grade, missing a B-average by one percent.

Edublox dyslexia program had a lasting effect

Abraham, a student with dyslexia, failed his fourth grade and did not improve for two years. His mother read about the Edublox system and gave it a try. His improvement was remarkable, going on to eventually earn a master's degree at university.
Abraham at his graduation ceremony

Upon entering university, Abraham and all his fellow students had to complete a compulsory reading program. To pass the program, one needs to read 207 words per minute with a comprehension rate of 80%. Abraham read 273 words per minute with 100% comprehension!

In 2022, Abraham attended his graduation ceremony, where he was awarded a Master of Science Degree in Environmental Management. Unlike most students diagnosed with dyslexia, Abraham obtained three degrees without accommodations. In fact, he refused concessions of any kind since the day he was diagnosed with dyslexia in 4th grade. Edublox and a desire to overcome his learning disability are all it took to get him this far.

One can be sure that a bright future awaits Abraham. What will be next? A Ph.D.?

There are countless children whose stories resemble that of Abraham. Unfortunately, many might feel that their diagnosis is a life sentence that limits their academic potential. But Abraham’s story is proof otherwise. With the right help, they can overcome their learning challenges and one day proudly stand on stage wearing a graduating cap and gown.

Edublox offers live online tutoring to students with dyslexia. Our students are in the United States, Canada, Australia, and elsewhere. Book a free consultation to discuss your child’s learning needs.

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