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12 Dyslexia Success Stories of Children and Students

Dyslexia success stories
Most dyslexia success stories in the press are of famous people who have been successful despite dyslexia. Our students aren’t renowned. They are ordinary people who overcame or are in the process of overcoming dyslexia symptoms.

The importance of reading

Reading is the skill by which students get information from books, computers, worksheets, and boards to learn math, science, literature, social studies, and more. As much as 85 percent of the curriculum is taught by reading. Therefore, children who are not reading on grade level by the end of third grade struggle in every class, year after year. The struggling reader at school usually continues to struggle into adulthood.

Dyslexia is a common cause of reading failure. Dyslexia is a reading disability and refers to persons for whom reading appears beyond their grasp. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (5th edition), dyslexia is a specific learning disability not caused by any profound sensory, neurological and intellectual disorders or socio-cultural factors.

Dyslexia cannot be treated with medication. Instead, specialized help is required to treat the disorder. Below are stories of twelve children who received specialized help and overcame their dyslexia symptoms.

Dyslexia success stories that inspire

Story of a Boy Who Overcame Dyslexia and Earned a Master’s Degree

Abraham, a student with dyslexia, failed his fourth grade and did not improve for two years. His mother read about the Edublox system and gave it a try. His improvement was remarkable, going on to eventually earn a master’s degree at university.

Visual Dyslexia: A Mom’s Journey Helping Her Son Beat the Symptoms

In the video, a mom shares her journey of helping her son beat the symptoms of visual dyslexia. Visual dyslexia is a subtype that refers to children who struggle with reading because they have problems remembering and discriminating visual gestalts. Synonyms are surface dyslexia, dyseidetic dyslexia, and orthographic dyslexia.

Student with Severe Dyslexia Improves by 54 Percentiles

In 2015, Maddie was diagnosed with dyslexia. This diagnosis was changed to severe dyslexia in 2016, and diagnoses of moderate dyscalculia and ADHD were added. On top of that, Maddie’s Full Scale IQ score was 81, which is in the Low Average range. Three years of treatment yielded little results. Finally, in February 2018, Maddie embarked on the Edublox program. Her IQ score increased to 103, and she improved by 54 percentiles in reading.

A Profound Dyslexia and Dyscalculia Success Story

Amy was diagnosed with severe dyslexia and dyscalculia. She got so behind in school that her parents started homeschooling her. She also started with Edublox’s live online tutoring. Amy overcame many obstacles. Her reading improved from being unable to read to reading in the 46th percentile when tested on the 8th-grade level. Her mom, Sandy, shares Amy’s progress over a period of three years.

Dyslexic Student Learns More in 13 Weeks than Her Entire Life

Vivienne is an 11-year-old American girl adopted from China at age five. Her mother, Susan, tried many avenues to help Vivienne catch up on her developmental delays. While progress was made in certain areas, Vivienne’s academics continued to lag. They embarked on the Edublox program, and in 13 weeks, Vivienne learned more than she had in her entire life.

Story of a Girl Who Overcame Dyslexia and Pursued a Master’s Degree

After her daughter’s dyslexia diagnosis in 4th grade, Elize recalled hearing about Edublox on the radio and went for training to help her. Marie-Louise passed 12th grade with four distinctions, passed her BA degree in Social Work with good marks, and is pursuing her MA degree in Social Work.

Student with Dyseidetic Dyslexia Improves by 26 Percentiles

A developmental optometrist contacted Edublox and requested help for his 9-year-old patient who struggled with dyseidetic dyslexia – also called orthographic dyslexia and surface dyslexia. Rief, the patient, improved from the 34th to the 60th percentile in reading. His grades are outstanding.

Dyslexic Becomes an Honors and Advanced Placement Student

A mother in Fullerton, United States, shares her dyslexic daughter’s progress after two weeks on the Edublox program. Her daughter started to love reading, and her handwriting improved overnight. Four years later, her daughter is in her first year of high school and honors English and geometry, and AP (Advanced Placement) History.

Dyslexia and Visual Perceptual Deficits: A Case Study

Hannah was diagnosed with severe dyslexia. Follow her progress after starting Edublox, as witnessed by an occupational therapist, her mom, and a remedial practitioner. She has made “excellent and pleasing improvement in areas of sensory motor function as well as visual perception” and “remarkable progress in terms of her academic and emotional development.”

Boy with Dyslexia Improves from the 40’s to 75 in Reading

Jeremie, a boy in Canada, had been struggling to learn to read and write since kindergarten. This took a big toll on his self-esteem. Then, in Grade 2, Jeremie was diagnosed with dyslexia. After testing various dyslexia methods that failed to help, Jeremie’s mom, Laura Trudel, heard about Edublox. After only three weeks, Jeremie began to show progress.

Girl with Dyslexia Noticeably a More Confident Reader

Anne, a girl in Hertz, UK, was showing dyslexia symptoms. She scored one year behind the average for reading on a national standard assessment test. After Edublox, Anne scored a reading age of 10.02 years against a chronological age of 9.6.

Dyslexia: Student Improves His Language Arts Score by 21%

Preneil was diagnosed with dyslexia at the age of thirteen. The diagnosis caused his self-esteem to suffer and filled his mom with anger, annoyance, sadness, and despair. After Preneil failed English, his mom discovered Edublox. His Language Arts score improved by 21%, he achieved an A in math and was allowed to enter university.

Edublox offers specialized help for children with dyslexia

Edublox is an educational method that integrates cognitive training with reading or math tutoring and solid learning principles. Edublox offers live online tutoring to students with phonological and orthographic dyslexia – mild, moderate, and severe.

Edublox assists students to become life-long learners and empowers them to realize their highest educational goals. While Edublox is not a quick fix, its use can permanently alleviate the symptoms of learning disabilities like dyslexia and dyscalculia.

Book a free consultation to discuss your child’s learning needs.