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From Failing Spelling Tests to Full Marks

A poor school report confirmed that Phindulo was struggling. Within 18 months after starting Edublox she improved from 2/7 to 5/7 for reading fluency and from 3/7 to 5/7 for math. She is now getting full marks for spelling tests. Phindulo’s mom shares their story:

Experiencing learning difficulties from early on

Phindulo is a challenging child, and this works well to her advantage. She challenges our thinking in the family, and we love her for that.

However, my little champion experienced some learning difficulties transitioning from Grade R (=kindergarten) to Grade 1 in primary school. It was like she had regressed from how she performed in Grade R. It was a bad experience for her as she had lost confidence in herself and doubted her ability to do well in her schoolwork.

I remember this one moment when she had hidden her test script from me so I did not see how badly she had performed on one of her class tests. It was a disheartening moment to see her struggling with her schoolwork to that extent.

Finding a trusted intervention platform

Her school report clearly showed that my daughter was struggling and serious intervention was needed. I knew Edublox was a trusted platform for Phindulo as I had previously enrolled her older sister, who saw terrific results. When registering Phindulo with Edublox, I had no doubts that she, too, would do well like her sister.

Phindulo’s Grade 1, Term 1 report.

Spelling, maths, and self-esteem improve

I quickly saw improvement in Phindulo’s results. My daughter is now eager to write her weekly spelling and mathematics tests because of the help and support she has received thus far. She no longer hides her test scripts but leaves them in the open, sometimes on the dining room table, for the entire family and visitors to see she is now doing well.

Phindulo’s Grade 2 report shows impressive improvement compared to Grade 1.

Her self-esteem has improved immensely to the point that she has even started teaching some of her Grade 1 friends living near us maths and times tables. She is self-driven and motivated nowadays, and I no longer assist her with her homework. She now firmly believes in her abilities and is persistent in getting everything right.

I commend the centre for its patience and dedication to learners from all walks of life who enter their doors. Thank you to Kendra and the Edublox teaching staff for their devotion and dedication in working with her at her pace for the shining star she is today.

The support Edublox has given her has made her even more vocal in lending a hand to those struggling. She now challenges me to give her spelling tests every time I cook to prove that she knows her spelling/sight words. I want to thank Edublox for awakening a smart giant in my baby girl, Phindulo. I foresee a brighter future with her. At the age of 8, she is already envisioning herself being a geologist, like her dad.

Ntombi Kubheka

A “before” image of Phindulo’s spelling test:

After” images of Phindulo’s spelling tests:

Edublox offers cognitive training and live online tutoring to students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and other learning disabilities. Our students are in the United States, Canada, Australia, and elsewhere. Book a free consultation to discuss your child’s learning needs.