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From Failing to Top Performer

After starting with Edublox, Zan improved from being 4 to 17 months behind to 12 months ahead in reading and comprehension! She is now a top performer. Her mom reports.

Dear Marj

I would like to thank you and your teachers for a job well done. I was told that my daughter would never make it in a mainstream school and that she had to be transferred to a remedial school.

With the grace of God, when I didn’t know what to do or where to go, I saw Edublox on the Internet. I knew from that moment on that God was on my side. I had hope.

It’s been six months since Zan joined Edublox and already she is one of the top performers in her class. She is getting 6’s and 7’s and she is in mainstream school.

Thank you so much.

Zan’s Mom

Independent assessment, November 2012:

Zan is 4 to 17 months behind in the areas that were assessed.

Independent assessments, August and November 2013:

And look at her now… A full year ahead in some areas!

Edublox offers cognitive training and live online tutoring to students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and other learning disabilities. Our students are in the United States, Canada, Australia, and elsewhere. Book a free consultation to discuss your child’s learning needs.