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LD Articles, Resources and Success Stories

Adjectives: What They Are, Importance, Types, Worksheets

Adjectives are fundamental linguistic instruments that enable us to conjure up vivid images in the minds of our readers or listeners. These strong words describe or alter nouns, such as persons, places, or things, to add more information and clarity.


Ask Sue: Can Losing A Parent Cause Learning Difficulties?

My name is Halowine, and I’d like to tell you about my grandson’s problem. When he was two-and-a-half years old, he lost his father in a very brutal way: The place that they were living in burned down with the dad in it, and that man really meant a lot to my grandson even at such a young age...


Adverbs: What They Are, Types, Tips, Worksheets

Adverbs are essential words that help you make your sentences more precise and detailed. Their descriptions help you communicate a more precise message by indicating the how, when, where, and extent of actions. You will learn about the different kinds of adverbs in this article and how to use them in your writing.


Difference Between Area and Perimeter; Worksheets

Understanding the difference between area and perimeter is crucial in mathematics and various real-world applications such as construction, design, and even daily life activities.


Phonemic Awareness: What It Is, Role in Reading, Training

Phonemes are the smallest units of sound in spoken language. Phonemic awareness refers to focusing on and manipulating phonemes in spoken words. English has 44 particular phonemes consisting of 24 consonants and 20 vowels. This article delves into phonemic awareness, its role in reading, and the value of phonemic awareness training.


Reading, Maths & Learning Made Easy @ Edublox South Africa and Namibia

Edublox is a unique educational method that integrates brain training with literacy or numeracy skills development and solid learning principles. Learn more about Edublox and contact a service provider for help.


Online Dylexia Tutor: Sue du Plessis

Sue conceptualized the Edublox teaching and learning methods that have helped thousands of children struggling academically to read, learn, and achieve.


What Is Mixed Dyslexia? Pointers, Causes, Intervention

Mixed dyslexia, also known as double-deficit dyslexia, is a severe form of dyslexia caused by deficits in phonological processing and visual naming speed.


Free Teaching Resources and Worksheets

Free teaching resources for classroom teachers and homeschool families: worksheets, videos and articles.


History of Dyslexia from 1877 to the Present Time

The history of dyslexia starts in 1877, 147 years ago, with Adolph Kussmaul. Learn about the roles played by Berlin, Kerr, Morgan, Hinshelwood, Orton, Strauss and Werner, Lehtinen, Kirk, and the Education for All Handicapped Children Act.


Dysgraphia Symptoms, Types, Causes, Treatment

Learn more about dysgraphia: What is dysgraphia? How common is this learning disorder? What are the symptoms and warning signs in early writers, young students, teenagers and adults? What are the causes and best treatment?


Online Dyscalculia Tutor: Sue du Plessis

Sue conceptualized the Edublox teaching and learning methods that have helped thousands of children struggling academically to read, learn, and achieve.