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Overcoming Multiple Learning Disabilities

A mom tells her story:

What a piece of work is a man!
how noble in reason!
how infinite in faculty…

W. Shakespeare (Hamlet, Act ll, Scene ll)

There are those human beings, be they parents or educators, whose pride is affected by the academic performance of their siblings or pupils. Those who perform well academically are immediately categorized as more deserving of respect and honor. Their names appear on honors scrolls, while, for the rest, their efforts are awarded with the prejudice of the educational system.

I do not wish to sound like a whole bunch of sour grapes, but rather to express my opinion, namely, that our educational system very often identifies an underachiever’s problems, labels them, but offers little, if any workable, long-term solution when in fact there is amazing help at hand that WORKS. Edublox develops the brain, and the development continues after completion of the program!

Diagnosed with multiple learning disabilities

My son was lost in a sea of words, in an IQ boat that was shot with holes. Gaping holes, which the learned specialists labeled “psychoneurological dysfunction,” “concentration problems,” “poor motor planning,” “poor visual-spatial perception,” “dyspraxia,” and “poor visual memory,” to name but some fearsome sounding terms. As for the rest of the boat? “… his nonverbal abilities lie within the superior category.”

The recommendations? (quote):

  • “That Dieter be examined by a neurologist in order to rule out a possible underlying epileptic condition.
  • “He will need some form of medication to improve his concentration.
  • “Although Dieter is probably too old to benefit much from therapy, I suggest that he is seen by an occupational therapist.
  • “He will probably find high school very difficult.”

So these were the laurels awarded to Dieter after two visits to a neurologist, two EEGs, hours in the waiting room, and the anxiety caused by a psychologist’s report (which used terms that would impress most others educated in this field — but meant very little to an ordinary mother reaching out for help and hope for her floundering child).

Classrooms are mostly overcrowded. Teachers are stressed as never before in an effort to cope with underachievers — disadvantaged for whatever reason, and “special or remedial classes” only help to a certain measure.

Unhappy with his life

Dieter was teased by other children and very unhappy with life. Labeling did not help. His teachers could not help. He avoided my help for fear of lowering my estimation of himself, so avoidance tactics became the order of the day. There were many shouting matches, tears, explanations, bribes, and threats, but to no avail. He was only capable of doing his best and not anyone else’s.

Learning and studying traumatized him, affected his health, ruined relationships at home and in the classroom, and he soon became very insecure and lonely. He sought acceptance yet was unable to find an acceptable place in everyone else’s sun.

It is only those mothers whose children have learning disabilities who know what a very lonely road it is to walk along.

Dieter’s seventh-grade mid-year exam [June] brought the matter to a head when the ugly reality of presenting the exam timetable again refused to disappear. His report was bad, coupled with the words “there is no way that Dieter will pass seventh grade.” That struck terror in his heart and broke mine because I knew what a repeat of another grade would do to his already shredded self-confidence. We both cried. He, because he so very much wanted to taste success for obvious reasons. I, because my instinct told me that “Dieter is capable of doing better,” which is what was usually stated in his reports.

Edublox enters Dieter’s life

Edublox entered our lives in a quiet, simple way. A friend of mine had carried a similar heartache for her son for far longer, and had traveled far and wide in search of help for her son before she discovered the Edublox key to open the door of an abundance of life. They have compassion for healing broken children and, in turn, encompassing the adults in this world. When a child discovers his real potential, a wholeness descends on the entire community. When a child’s mind is fed in a positive environment, there comes a dawning of a brand-new, wonderful world. There is someone out there with outstretched, loving arms to take them home to security. There are many case histories of success, and this is Dieter’s:

In the latter part of August, I applied to a high school for Dieter’s admission, which he was granted. He commenced with Edublox sometime in August, shortly before the September exams. I could not understand how little brightly colored blocks and patterns on cards could mend a boat with such ghastly holes. The course is given in a fun way and challenges the participant who is unaware that he or she is actually learning from the grassroots to concentrate, memorize, read, spell, and grasp mathematical concepts.

Much energy was spent hoping that the results would be dramatically positive. Imagine the disappointment when the report showed a very marginal, insignificant improvement. More tears were shed (by mother — for his cause), but Dieter was encouraged to continue, as more time was needed for a true test of Edublox. Consequent to the September report, an interview was arranged with the principal to discover whether or not Dieter’s needs could be accommodated. Armed with the knowledge of Dieter’s problems, I was advised to seek admission to a smaller school where he would receive “individual” attention.

Results begin to show

But hope still burned eternally in my heart, and I approached the principal of another high school with the same purpose in mind. Can I forget the marvelous words, “Let’s give him a chance. We will do whatever we can to support him, but he will have to work hard.”

In three months, he excelled, going from having no hope of passing the grade to passing with 43 percent (33.3% pass mark). That was dramatic! That was more like it! In the first term test of the following school year, the results were highlighted with 80’s and an average of 50 percent. He can now remember, in sequence, 88 colored blocks (concentration problems? poor visual memory?).

At the end of January, a visagraph was done to assess Dieter’s reading ability. He was reading at a second-grade level. On May 21st, another assessment was done. He is now reading at a second-term, ninth-grade level.

Edublox has bonded this mother and child more closely and has brought healing and wholeness to Dieter. Slowly but surely, he is able to cope with challenges. In other areas of his life, this has had a rippling effect.

Success with Edublox does not depend on age, condition, or one’s station in life. Only on one’s need to succeed!

Mrs. A. Grünewald

Edublox offers cognitive training and live online tutoring to students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and other learning disabilities. Our students are in the United States, Canada, Australia, and elsewhere. Book a free consultation to discuss your child’s learning needs.

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