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LD Articles, Resources and Success Stories

What Is Edublox Online Tutor?

Edublox is an educational method that integrates cognitive training with reading, writing, or math tutoring based on solid learning principles. Edublox assists students in becoming life-long learners and empowers them to realize their highest educational goals. While Edublox is not a quick fix, its use can permanently alleviate the symptoms of learning disabilities like dyslexia and dyscalculia.


Overcoming Attention and Concentration Difficulties

Nadia van Rooyen tells the story of how her son Dihann overcame his attention and concentration difficulties. The story is part of an article that appeared in LIN magazine.


Reading, Maths & Learning Made Easy @ Edublox South Africa and Namibia

Edublox is a unique educational method that integrates brain training with literacy or numeracy skills development and solid learning principles. Learn more about Edublox and contact a service provider for help.


Six Strategies for Dyscalculia

This article was published in the September/October 2023 edition of SEN Magazine, the UK's leading magazine for special educational needs.


Dyscalculia Treatment and Intervention

This article was published in Teachers Matter, a magazine for teachers in New Zealand, on March 3, 2023.


Auditory Short-term Memory, Visual Sequential Memory and Inductive Reasoning Matter for Academic Achievement

This paper was presented virtually at the EduLearn19 International Conference on New Learning Technologies in Palma, Spain. The study confirms the importance of strong cognitive skills for academic achievement; the cognitive skill with the strongest correlation was auditory short-term memory.


Building on Reading

When two Cape Town mothers, Kashiefa Gallie and Rebecca Felix, learned that their children had reading difficulties, they went into panic mode.


Videos: Edublox FAQ Answered by Our Clients

We asked parents how they would explain the Edublox reading and dyslexia program to another parents, and why they agreed to share their testimonials.


Podcast: Elih’s Road to Recovery

Elih fell into a pool at the age of 20 months. Listen to the story of his road to recovery, in which Edublox plays a significant part.


Radio Interview: Overcoming Reading and Learning Difficulties

After years of therapy, Shirley's son was still struggling with reading and learning. But then she heard about Edublox, and her son's life changed. Listen to her story as told on live radio.


The Importance of Spelling and Handwriting in a Digital Age

It's a fair question for parents to consider: Why should my child learn to master the skills of spelling and handwriting in a world governed by spell checkers and keyboards? Isn't the mere notion of teaching these skills as archaic as attempting to master trigonometry without the use of a scientific calculator?


Dr. Zelda Strydom, Our Medical Reviewer

Meet Dr. Zelda Strydom, a medical doctor who has worked extensively in mental health services in the UK and New Zealand, and is a medical reviewer for the Edublox website.