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6 Hidden Health Benefits of Chewing Gum

A pack of chewing gum is inexpensive and can make your day a little sweeter. Surprisingly, the benefits of chewing gum go far beyond the simple task of sweetening your mouth. Chewing gum can also provide you with various health benefits, making that nickel piece of gum even more of a bargain.


5 Ways to Create Healthy Eating Habits for Your Family

One day of eating innutritious foods won’t make you unhealthy, sure. But over two years? How about 5, 10, or even 20? Then, you can bet that it would make a dent in your health.


Which Nut Is Highest in Antioxidants?

Move over pecans. You’ve been unseated by the walnut for the nut highest in antioxidants. Pecans once carried this coveted distinction, but according to a new study, walnuts have the highest level of top-quality antioxidants of any nut tested. One more reason to eat walnuts.


Milk at 10, Strong Bones at 50: Drink Milk While Your Bones are Growing

Kids who ignore the age-old parental command to ‘drink your milk!’ may live to regret it. New findings show that women over 50 who drank less than a glass of milk a day as girls have significantly lower bone density and twice the risk of fractures compared with those who drank a glass or more a day. It also appears there is no undoing past damage...


The Health Benefits of Apples for Your Kids (and You)

Apples are not bursting with vitamins and minerals like other fruits, though they do provide a bit of vitamin C and potassium. Yet, they have other health benefits.


5 Healthy Breakfast Foods for Your Children

When you send your children back to school, make sure to include these healthy breakfast foods in their morning meals. These foods are easily prepared and are packed with important nutrients...


16 Essential Minerals Your Body Needs

Essential for health and growth, essential minerals perform many vital bodily functions. These minerals include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, sulfur, iron, zinc, iodine, copper, manganese, fluoride, chromium, molybdenum, and selenium.


Top 10 Health Benefits of Prunes

Prunes have much to be proud of from a nutritional standpoint. Here are ten powerful health benefits prunes offer.


5 Amazing Health Benefits of Sunflower Seeds

Looking for a health-promoting snack? Enjoy a handful of mild nutty-tasting sunflower seeds with their firm but tender texture to take care of your hunger and get a wealth of nutrition at the same time.


Apricots Help Protect Your Child’s Eyes and Gums

Fresh, dried or canned, apricots are one of the best sources of beta-carotene, with just one fresh apricot providing about the daily recommendation of vitamin A.


Eat Healthier by Avoiding These Four Unhealthy Meats

Overindulging in some types of meat could be hazardous to your health. Discover four meat types your doctor, particularly your cardiologist, wouldn’t approve of.


Drinking Tea on a Daily Basis Can Benefit Your Mind and Body

Tea comes in a number of varieties. Black, white, green, and oolong are the main types to be found. The main difference between the four are the oxidation levels.