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LD Articles, Resources and Success Stories

Television Exposure Linked to Attention Problems in Kids

According to research, watching TV can be harmful, especially for children under three. That’s because the brains of very young children are like lumps of clay, growing and changing in response to what they experience.


ADHD Children Sleep Both Poorly and Less

A study shows there is some truth to the claim that ADHD children have more difficulty falling asleep and that they sleep more poorly than other children.


Bone Density Lower With Use of ADHD Stimulant Medicine

This study examined an association between the use of stimulant medications and bone density.


The Western Diet and ADHD in Kids

A Western diet that contains too many processed foods isn’t healthy for anyone, but it may be especially harmful for adolescents prone to ADHD.


Attention Problems in Early Childhood Have Lasting Academic Impact

Children with attention problems in early childhood were 40 percent less likely to graduate from high school, says a study from Duke University that examined how early childhood characteristics affect academic performance.


8 ADHD Success Stories of Children and Students

Most ADHD success stories in the press are of famous people who have been successful despite ADHD. Our students aren't renowned. They are ordinary people who overcame or are in the process of overcoming ADHD symptoms.


Improving Concentration: A Skill That Can Be Taught

Improving concentration in children can be achieved not only by using clinically proven natural medicines, but also by exposing them to training in the fundamental cognitive skills that underlie the learning process.


Green Outdoors Reduce ADHD Symptoms

A study of more than 400 children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder found a link between the children's routine play settings and the severity of their symptoms.


Attention: What It Is, 5 Types, How to Improve

Attention or concentration (the words attention and concentration are synonyms) is a fundamental learning skill. Poor attention ability can be a sign of behavior and learning disorders such as hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder (ADD).


Phones Keep Students from Concentrating during Lectures

While ever-smarter digital devices have made many aspects of our lives easier and more efficient, a growing body of evidence suggests that, by continuously distracting us, they are harming our ability to concentrate.


Inattentive Kids Show Worse Grades in Later Life

Researchers studied children with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and found that inattentiveness was linked to worse academic performance up to 10 years later, regardless of ADHD, even when they accounted for the children's intellectual ability.


ADHD Medication Linked to Risk of Heart Rhythm Problems

Use of methylphenidate in children and young people with ADHD is associated with a slightly increased risk of abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia) shortly after the start of treatment, suggests research published by The BMJ.