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LD Articles, Resources and Success Stories

Online Dylexia Tutor: Sue du Plessis

Sue conceptualized the Edublox teaching and learning methods that have helped thousands of children struggling academically to read, learn, and achieve.


Online Dyscalculia Tutor: Sue du Plessis

Sue conceptualized the Edublox teaching and learning methods that have helped thousands of children struggling academically to read, learn, and achieve.


Individualized Education Program (IEP) in the U.S.

In an effort to provide a more tailored educational experience for children with learning disabilities, U.S. schools create an individualized education program (IEP) for each student. The IEP must be designed to provide the child with a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).


The Beauty of Mathematics

Mathematics is an abstract science of numbers, quantity, and space. It has been an integral part of human civilization, shaping our understanding of the world and driving advancements in technology, science, and everyday life. This article delves into the various facets of mathematics, its significance, and its application across different fields.


The Enthralling History of Mathematics

Mathematics has shaped every facet of human existence, from commerce to art, astronomy to architecture, and has been essential to human development. Its history spans centuries and continents and is a rich tapestry of inventions and discoveries. This article explores the history of mathematics, focusing on significant turning points and individuals who have influenced this vital discipline.


Signs and Symptoms of Dyspraxia

Dyspraxia, also known as a Developmental Motor Coordination Disorder, is a condition that affects a person’s ability to coordinate physical movements. This results in clumsiness and difficulty in acquiring motor skills to varying degrees. In this article, we discuss the signs and symptoms of dyspraxia and how to recognize it during child development.


70 Inspiring Quotes of Ancient Wisdom

The ancient world produced many great thinkers whose wisdom comes to us in the form of their recorded thoughts and ideas about things that people still reflect on or care about today. The following quotes are best described as ancient wisdom, and the words from these great thinkers may inspire people today.


What Are Split Brain Experiments?

Split-brain is a lay term describing the result when the corpus callosum connecting the two hemispheres of the brain is severed to some degree. The surgical operation to produce this condition is called corpus callosotomy and is usually used as a last resort to treat otherwise intractable epilepsy.


Alexander Twilight: First African American with a Bachelor’s Degree

The Old Stone House — one of the most impressive buildings in New England — lies in the small, quiet town of Brownington, VT. The building was originally constructed by Alexander Twilight, born in Corinth, VT, on September 23, 1795.


Overcoming Learning Disabilities and Difficulties

Learning difficulties is often the first descriptive term used when a child has trouble in school. In some countries, it is also a synonym for learning disabilities. However, learning difficulties and learning disabilities are usually distinguished, with learning difficulties being the broader term.


What Is a Slow Learner? How to Help

Slow learner is a term that is sometimes used for low ability students, with IQ between 70 and 85. These individuals make up approximately 14.1% of the population, larger than the group of children with learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities and autism combined.


Pros and Cons of an Online Education

It seems like you can find everything online today, and that includes an education. Online education has become increasingly popular. But is it right for you?